教師簡介 著作 計畫 學術榮譽
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姓 名: | 林裕淩 老師 |
職 稱: | 教授 | |
授課領域: | 行銷管理 | |
研究領域: | 行銷管理、策略管理 | |
E - Mail : | yllin@ncut.edu.tw | |
分 機: | ext.7784 |
- (2018/9), "Exploring differences between experts and novices during decision-making process from perspective of behavioral decision-making", International Journal of Creative Research and Studies (IJCRS), Vol.2, Issue 9, 24-33.
- (2018/8), "What attributes do existing web blog need? ", Archives of Business Research, Vol.6, No.8, 290-296.
- (2017/7), "Hierarchical Relationship of Negative Emotion Perception from Violent Video Games",Science, Technology and Society, VOL.22, NO.2, 236–258. (SSCI)
- (2017/6), "Discrepancy of Cognitive Ability in Management Decision", International Review of Management and Business Research, Vol. 6 Issue.2, 488-494. (ABI)
- (2017/3), "Learning Results and Terminal Values from the Player of SimCity and The Sims ",Behaviour & Information Technology, VOL. 36, NO. 2, 209–222 (SSCI)
- (2017/1), "Players’ Value Structure in Digital Games: A Means-end Chain Approach",GAMES AND CULTURE, Vol. 12, NO.1, 72-99. (SSCI)
- (2016/10), “What are consumers thinking? Value network structure of consumers on social commerce”,Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXIV, No.10, 2571-2584. (SSCI)
- (2016/3), " The Effect of Ecological Elasticity in Taiwan's Carbon Reduction Policies – the STIRPAT Model",Journal of Management and Sustainability, Vol. 6, No. 1, 121-131. (ABI)
- (2016/2), The cognitive structure of beer game learners’ psychological target value ,Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXIV, No.5, 389-404. (SSCI)
- (2016/1)," Differences among Different DGBLs Learners ",International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, 181-188. (ABI)
- (2015/12),「獨立董事組成、資訊透明度與組織績效:以2008全球金融風暴為例」,評價學報,第九期,1-20。
- (2015/12) , " Value Hierarchy for Massive Open Online Courses ",Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 53, December 2015, 408–418 (SSCI)
- (2015/10), "Participant Motivations in a Social Media Community Page ",Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 9, No. 4, 67-75 (ABI)
- (2015/9),「歐美企業綠色績效與經營績效之關聯性研究」,商略學報,第七卷,第三期,171-186。
- (2015/9),「社群網頁遊戲玩家之價值結構與群聚」,行銷評論, 12卷3期,263 – 287. (ABI)
- (2015/9),「獨立董事多樣性對於公司價值與風險影響之實證研究」,管理資訊計算,第四卷,第二期,65 – 82.
- (2015/5), "An Explorative Study of Virtual Trading Games: A Means-End Chain Approach" ,Business Education & Accreditation, Volume 7, No.1, 97-106 (ABI)
- (2015/4), "Exploring the Effective Help for Social Anxiety: MMORPGs Delivering Online Help",International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, 10-18. (ABI)
- (2015/2), "Are we after the same thing? Differences among different MMORPGs players",Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 6, No. 1, 10-20. (ABI)
- (2015/2), "The Benefits and Values of Green Lifestyle Consumers",International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 24-38. (ABI)
- (2014/11), "What Young People Pursuit? The Value in Social Interaction Platforms", Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM), Vol.1, Issue10, 518-524.
- (2014/9) ,「企業組織能力對員工工作績效與留職意願之影響-以員工滿意度為中介變數」,商略學報,第六卷,第三期,pp.205-225。
- (2014/6), "Console game value hierarchy: A means-end chain approach", European Journal of Social Sciences , 44, 1, 58-77.
- (2014/6), " Have You Switched to a Low-carbon Diet? The Ultimate Value of Low-carbon Consumerism ", Administrative Sciences, 4(2), 105-119. (ABI)
- (2014/1), "Digital educational game value hierarchy from a learners’ perspective ", Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 30, 1–12.(SSC I, IF=1.87)
- (2014/1), "Are the benefits of group buying limited to monetary value? A study on the ultimate value of online group-buying", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Vol. 4(1), 1-17.
- (2013/12), "Facilitators of National Innovation Policy in a SME-dominated Country: A Case Study of Taiwan", Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Volume 15, Issue 4, 405-415.(SSCI)
- (2013/11) ,「檢驗網路銀行之採用意願—創新擴散理論與科技接受模式之貢獻」,中華管理評論國際學報,Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.1-19.
- (2013/7), "User goals in Technology-based Self-service Systems ", Int. J. of Technology Marketing (IJTMKT), Vol. 8, No.3 287 - 303.
- (2013), " A Study of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Clothing for Generation Y: The Influences of Shopping Orientation, Fashion Orientation and Green Consumption Style", Xing Xiao Ping Lun, Vol.10, No.1, Spring, pp.019-042。 (ABI)
- "The Values of College Students in Business Simulation Game: A Means-end Chain Approach", Computers & Education, Volume 58, Issue 4, pp.1160-1170.(SSCI)
- (2012/2), "Manufacturing Platform of Strategic Innovation in Global Semiconductor Industry", International Journal of Business Excellence, Volume 5, Issue 1/2, pp. 21–34.
- (2011), "A Study on the Goal Value for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games Players", Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 6, November 2011, pp. 2153-2160.(SSCI)
- (2011), "In-game Advertising: Consumers’ Attitude and the Effect of Product Placements on Memory", African Journal of Business Management, 5(24), October, pp.10117-10127.(SSCI)
- "Financial Performance in Taiwan’s ISO14001 EMS ", African Journal of Business Management, 5(22), September, pp.8952-8960.(SSCI)
- (2010),"Key Factors for Intangible Asset Value Creation: The Empirical Study of Computer and Peripheral Firms", Chiao Da Management Review, Vol. 30, No.2, pp.1-23.(TSSCI)
- (2010/9),「無形資產價值創造之比較研究:以台灣電子零組件和電腦及週邊產業為例」,科技管理學刊,十五卷第三期, pp.1-20。(TSSCI)
- (2009), "Externality Evaluation: An Empirical Study of ITRI", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.48/3, pp.280-294.(SSCI)
- (2009/6),「技術支援網站服務品質決定因素之探討—以台灣資訊科技企業為例」,資訊管理展望,第十一卷,第一期,pp.1-24。
- (2009), "Determinants of Service Quality of Technical Support Websites: An Empirical Study from IT Companies in Taiwan", International Journal of Business and Information, Vol.4/1, June, pp.76-88.(ABI)
- (2009),「以方法目的鏈探討遊戲機對顧客價值之研究」,人文社會科學學刊,第一期,6月,pp.171-192。
- (2008),「以方法目的鏈探求數位學習平台需求之研究」,數位學習科技期刊,第一期,9月,pp.39-55。
- (2007),「工研院整體效益評估」,交大管理學報,27卷2期,pp. 1-27,12月。(TSSCI)
- (2007/6),「從資訊處理觀點探討領域知識對管理者應用財務資訊行為之影響」,資訊管理展望,第九卷,第一期,pp. 1-24。
- (2006), "Intellectual Capital: An Empirical Study of ITRI", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol 73/7, pp. 886-902.(SSCI)
- (2005),「非營利研發機構之智慧資本與績效評估-工研院之實證研究」,管理學報,第二十二卷, 第3期, pp. 277-293 。(TSSCI)
- (2004),「我國發展DRAM期貨可行性分析(上)」,台灣期貨市場,第六卷,No.4,7月, pp.12-32。
- (2004),「我國發展DRAM期貨可行性分析(下)」,台灣期貨市場,第六卷,No.5,9月, pp.13-33。
- (2003), " A Comparison of the Forecasting Bias and Accuracy of Exchange Rates in Asia Foreign Exchange Market",中國技術學院學報,第25期,pp.107-119。
- (2001/12),「新興工業化國家研發支出影響因素之研究—以台灣科學園區為例」,科技管理學刊,第六卷第二期,pp.71-88。
- (2001),「研究機構專利績效評估模式之建立與分析-以工研院為例」,產業論壇,第三卷 第二期。
- (1999/11),「以限制理論為基礎之專案排程及控制研究」,機械工業雜誌,第200期, pp.203~216.
- (2013),「Departure企業經營及創意行銷競賽活動及教材設計」,旅趣生活有限公司,執行期間:103/10/15-104/10/14。
- (2013),「Merry Departure聖誕活動推廣」,旅趣生活有限公司,執行期間:103/11/15-104/1/15。
- 科技部計畫-以眼動追蹤技術探究LINE貼圖使用者注意力偏好之研究(106)
- 科技部計畫-尋找手指經濟:洞察行動應用程式使用者價值與需求(105)
- 科技部計畫-遊戲中學創業: 創業模擬遊戲價值利益屬性與決策過程之研究(103-104)
- 科技部計畫-尋找兼顧營養與美味的遊戲-數位教育遊戲使用者價值期望與產品策略之研究(102)
- 科技部計畫-從綠色生活顧客價值利益探討創新價值策略(100)
- 科技部計畫-中小企業管理決策資訊需求與策略模式分析(97)