教師簡介 著作 計畫 學術榮譽
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姓 名: | 陳俊洪 老師 |
職 稱: | 助理教授 | |
授課領域: | 財務管理、投資學、期貨與選擇權、證券市場與分析、財務軟體應用 | |
研究領域: | 財務(財務工程、衍生性金融商品、固定收益證券) | |
E - Mail : | Edychen@ncut.edu.tw | |
分 機: | ext.7772 |
- Lian, Y. M., Chen, J. H., & Liao, S. L. (2020). Cojump risks and their impacts on option pricing. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. (科技部財務學門A- 級期刊)
- Lian, Y. M., & Chen, J. H. (2020). Joint dynamic modeling and option pricing in incomplete derivative-security market. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 51, 100845.(SSCI)
- Lian, Y. M., & Chen, J. H. (2019). Portfolio selection in a multi-asset, incomplete-market economy. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 71, 228-238. (科技部財務學門A- 級期刊)
- Yang, J.T.,Liao, S. L., & Chen, J. H. (2018). Analyzing target redemption forward contract under Levy process. International Research Journal of Finance and Economic,165,6-10.(Econlit)
- Lian, Y. M., Chen, J. H., & Liao, S. L. (2016). Option pricing on foreign exchange in a Markov-modulated, incomplete-market economy. Finance Research Letters, 16, 208-219. .(SSCI)
- Lian, Y. M., Liao, S. L., & Chen, J. H. (2015). State-dependent jump risks for American gold futures option pricing. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 33, 115-133. .(SSCI)
- Liao, S. L., Chen, J. H., &Lian, Y. M. (2014). Stylized empirical features of asset return and American option pricing under time-changed Lévy processes. Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, (84),
- Liao, S. L., Tsai, M. S., Chen, J. H., & Li, C. H. (2013). Valuation of Convertible Bond UnderLévy Process with Default Risk. Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 50(2), 48-70. (Econlit)
- Chen, J. H., & Permatasari, S. S. (2019). Evaluating the influence of current ratio(CR),debt equity ratio (DER)and price earning ratio (PER) on stock prices.( 第十七屆管理學術國際研討會及2019台灣精實企業系統學會年會)
- Lian, Y. M., Chen, J. H., & Liao, S. L. (2019). Pricing catastrophe equity puts with counterparty risks under Markov-modulated default intensity processes.(Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan 2019 Annual Conference)
- 杜邦方程式三因子對於台灣股市填權息效果之影響之探究(2020).
- 基金風險評等衡量之實證分析(2020).
- 股利宣告效果對於股價報酬影響之實證研究(2020).
- 機器學習下之產業分類與企業評價(2020).
- 美中貿易戰對於台灣產業的外溢效果-以事件研究法分析(2020).