
教師簡介 著作 計畫 學術榮譽
林鈞鏗老師 姓  名: 林鈞鏗  老師
職  稱: 助理教授 兼教學資源組組長
授課領域: 國際企業管理、國際行銷管理、循環經濟、策略管理、碳盤查數位化
研究領域: 國際企業、策略管理
E - Mail : alittleken@ncut.edu.tw
分  機: ext.7778


  1. Lin, C. C., Chiao, Y. C.*, Chang, T. L. and Chang, Y. C. (2023/7/20). The determinants of the use of process control mechanisms in FDI decisions in headquarters-subsidiary relationships, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 10(1): 1-14. (SSCI, IF2022=3.5; Rank2022=19/110; Quartile=Q1; JIF Percentile=83.2).
  2. Lin, C. C.* and Chang, Y. C. (2023/4/4). Impact of Circular Economy Network Building: Resilience Strategy to Climate Action, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCCSM-12-2022-0150(SSCI, IF2022=3.6; Rank2022=54/127; Quartile=Q2; JIF Percentile=57.9).
  3. 喬友慶、林鈞鏗*、黃俊儒, 2022/09。廠商間之競爭、新產品優勢與績效之關聯性, 管理學報,39卷,3期,383-411.。 Chiao, Y. C., Lin, C. C.*, and Huang, C. J. (2022/09). The Relationships among Competition, New Product Advantage, and Market Performance, Journal of Management and Business Research. https://doi.org/10.6504/JMBR.202209_39(3).0007 (TSSCI,國科會推薦第一級)
  4. 喬友慶、張鈺臻、林鈞鏗*, 2021/12。善盡企業社會責任的供應商,真的會讓零售商顧客滿意嗎?,管理學報,38卷,4期,533-561. Chiao, Y.C., Chang, Y.C., Lin, C. C.* (2021/12). Does the Suppliers' CSR Engagement can Actually Satisfy Their Retailer Customer? Journal of Management and Business Research, 26(2): 213-232. https://doi.org/10.6504/JMBR.202112_38(4).0005 (TSSCI,國科會推薦第一級).
  5. Chiao, Y. C., Lin, C. C.*, and Huang, C. J. (2021/10/12). Competing and Cooperating Globally: How Firms’ Multimarket Contact Relates to Joint Price Elevation in Coopetition Networks, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(9): 1678-1691. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-01-2020-0063 (SSCI, IF2022=3.1; Rank2022=110/154; Quartile=Q3; JIF Percentile=28.9).



  1. Chun-Chien Lin & Yu-Ching Chiao (2024), “Run not Walk: Advanced Red Queen Effect and Mutual Forbearance Effect in Multimarket Contact,” Academy of International Business 2024 Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, July 02-06.
  2. Yu-Ching Chiao, Chun-Chien Lin, and Yu-Chen Chang (2024), “Speed Matters for Supply Chain Communication to Acquire Superior Firm Performance: Carbon Footprint Communication,” Academy of International Business 2024 Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, July 02-06.
  3. Chun-Chien Lin, Yi-Jung Hsu, and Kadek Sandita (2024), “The Effect of Sustainable Development Goals on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and the Role of BrandImage in Green Hotels,” Academy of International Business 2024 Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, July 02-06.
  4. Lin, Chun-Chien, Yu-Ching Chiao, and Yu-Chen Chang, How Fast is Enough for a Firm’s Marketing Communication Capability and Engaging in CSR to Acquire Superior Firm Performance? Academy of International Business 2023 Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Jul 05-09.
  5. Lin, Chun-Chien and Wen-Chi Chen, Impact of Circular Economy Network Building: The Role of the Climate Change and Firm Size of the Offshore Subsidiary, Academy of International Business 2023 Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Jul 05-09. [科技部補助編號:MOST-111-2410-H-167-002]
  6. Lin, Chun-Chien, Yu-Ching Chiao, and Chun-Ju Huang, Speed Matters in Supply Chain: How to Satisfy Your Customers with IDMCs, Speed, or Competitor Identification? Academy of International Business 2023 Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Jul 05-09.
  7. Chiao, Yu-Ching Yu-Chen Chang, Chun-Chien Lin, Tang-Shun Chuang, and Wen-Hao Yang, Re-examining the Relationship between Internationalization and MNEs' Performance with CSR, Academy of Management 2022 Annual Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., Aug/05-09.
  8. Chang Tung-Lung, Chun-Chien Lin, and Yu-Chen Chang, The Impact of Local Networks on Subsidiary Performance, Academy of Management 2022 Annual Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A., Aug/05-09.
  9. Lin, Chun-Chien, Yu-Ching Chiao, and Yu-Chen Chang, The Antecedents and Consequences of Competitor Identification of Suppliers in an Emerging Market, Academy of International Business 2022 Annual Meeting, Boston, U.S.A., Jul/06-09.
  10. Lin, Chun-Chien, Yu-Ching Chiao, and Tung-Lung Chang, Impact of Network Building on Competence Enhancement: The Role of the Economic Freedom and Firm Size of the Offshore Subsidiary,Academy of International Business 2022 Annual Meeting, Boston, U.S.A., Jul/06-09.
  11. Chiao, Yu-Ching, Chun-Chien Lin*, and Yu-Chen Chang, Subsidiary Host Country Bribery and Performance: The Moderating Effects of Informal Competition, Local Access, Corruption, and International Experience,Academy of International Business 2022 Annual Meeting, Miami, U.S.A., Jul/06-09.
  12. Chiao, Yu-Ching, Tung-Lung Chang, and Chun-Chien Lin* (2019), The Impact of FDI motivations and Technological Resource Commitment on Headquarters’ Use of Process Control, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Cebu, Philippines, Dec 05-07.
  13. Chang, Tung-Lung, Chun-Chien Lin*, and Yu-Chen Chang (2019), The Impact of Local Networks on Subsidiary Performance: The Moderating Effects of Host Country Institutional Voids, Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Cebu, Philippines, Dec 05-07. 【Best Paper Award】
  14. Chiao, Yu-Ching and Chun-Chien Lin* (2019), Foreign Competition and MNCs Performance – The Moderating Roles of Local Conditions, Academy of International Business 2019 Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, June/24-27. [科技部補助編號:MOST-108-2922-I-005-020]
  15. Chiao, Yu-Ching and Chun-Chien Lin* (2019), Impacts of MNCs’ Bribery Strategy on a Highly Corrupt Host Country: An Investigation of Taiwanese Firms’ FDI in an ASEAN Country, Academy of International Business 2019 Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24-27.
  16. Chiao,Yu-Ching, Chun-Chien Lin* and Ting-Wei Lu (2018),The Relationship between Multimarket Contact and MNCs Performance – The Moderating Effects of Global Integration and Local Responsiveness, 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Santorini, Greece, May 21- 23. [科技部補助編號:MOST-107-2922-I-005-007]
  17. Lin, Chun-Chien*, Yu-Ching Chiao, Shu-Mei Hsu, and (2017), "Multimarket Competition, Competitive Aggressiveness, and MNCs Performance: A Contingency Approach," Academy of International Business 2017 Annual Meeting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 1-5. [科技部補助編號:MOST-106-2922-I-005-029]
  18. Chiao, Yu-Ching, Chun-Chien Lin*, and Chun-Ping Chang (2017), "Middle Way: To partner up or against each other: Among Inter-Alliance and Intra-Alliance members,” Asia Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 19-21.
  19. Chiao, Yu-Ching, Chun-Chien Lin*, and Yu-Chen Liu (2016), "Competing and Cooperating Globally: How Firms’ Multimarket Contact Relates to Joint Price Elevation in Coopetition Networks," Academy of International Business 2016 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 27-30. [科技部補助編號:MOST-105-2922-I-005-059]


  1. Lin, C. C.*, Chiao, Y. C., and Chang, Y. C. (2022), The Relationships among OMO Competition and Sustainable Performance within Technological innovation. NTUMR&APMR Joint Consortium-The 23rd Asia Pacific Management Conference “From Sharing Economy to Collaborative Commerce: Sustainability and Transformation Competitive Edge Conference”, Tainan (College of Management at National Cheng Kung University), Oct/9.
  2. 喬友慶、張鈺臻、林鈞鏗、楊文豪 (2021), 考慮CSR下,重新檢視國際化與多國企業績效的關聯性-組織餘裕與長期導向的調節效果,管理學報「以永續發展為目標的企業社會責任與倫理」特刊研討會
  3. 喬友慶、張鈺臻、林鈞鏗* (2021), 善盡企業社會責任的供應商,真的會讓零售商顧客滿意嗎?,管理學報「以永續發展為目標的企業社會責任與倫理」特刊研討會
  4. 喬友慶、林鈞鏗*、楊涴喻 (2020), 探討廠商多重市場接觸的策略結果-模仿或創新,2020臺灣組織與管理學會年會暨研討會,台北 (國立台灣大學)
  5. 喬友慶、林鈞鏗*、黃俊儒 (2020), Competition, Product Innovativeness, and Supplier Customer Satisfaction in an Emerging Market: The Moderated-Mediation Model of Informal Competition,管理學報「動盪時代下的創造力與創新」特刊研討會,台北 (國立台灣大學)
  6. 喬友慶、徐淑媚、林鈞鏗* (2018), Does MNCs Bribery Strategy Work at Highly Corrupted Host Country? An Investigation of Taiwanese Firms’ FDI in Southeast Asia Country,臺大管理論叢新南向議題研討會New Southbound Policy: Challenges & New Implications,台北 (國立台灣大學)。


  1. 專利名稱:競爭強度和新產品優勢與績效之相關性分析系統,發明專利,生效日期:113/02/11,專利證號:I832740, 專利權始日:2024/02/11, 專利權終日:2043/03/29。
  2. 專利名稱:競爭強度和新產品優勢與績效之相關性分析系統,新型專利,生效日期:112/07/01,專利證號:M643488, 專利權始日:2023/07/01, 專利權終日:2033/03/29。
  3. 專利名稱:評估廠商績效與市場性競爭能力系統,生效日期:111/07/01,專利證號:M629195, 專利權始日:2022/07/01, 專利權終日:2032/03/21。
  4. 專利名稱:醫療穿戴式裝置之使用趨勢分析系統,生效日期:111/08/11,專利證號:M630708, 專利權始日:2022/08/11, 專利權終日:2032/03/21。



  1. Green Supply Chain Management in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Master degree thesis
    (指導老師:林鈞鏗,學生: Ton Nu Thanh Nhan孫女青嫻,2024)。
  2. Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Investigating the Success Factors in Start-Ups and Franchises in Egypt. Master degree thesis
    (指導老師:林鈞鏗,學生: Nourine Qassem諾伊,2024)。
  3. 傳統布袋戲之组織增值一以台中木偶劇團為例。碩士論文
  4. 跨國投資之文化契合度舆競争優勢評估分析-以投資缅旬礦業為例。碩士論文
  5. The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction. Customer Loyalty and the Role of Brand Image in Green Hotels in Bali. Master degree thesis
    (指導老師:林鈞鏗,學生:Kadek Sndita Nugraha柯辛諾,2023)。


  1. 訂閱制商業模式之永續展以Netflix影音串流平台為例。實務專题
  2. 數位轉型之發展-以飲料業為例。實務專題


循環經濟策略評估與諮詢 (山水星河有限公司,2023/08/01~2024/07/31)

碳足跡成效規劃評估與諮詢 (宏合精研股份有限公司,2023/10/01~2024/09/30)

新創品牌之社群媒體規劃永續發展 (孵地有限公司,2024/02/01~2025/01/31)














  1. 國立勤益科技大學112年度教師推動研究發展獎勵【學術論文獎】,112年9月。
  2. 國立勤益科技大學112年度教師推動研究發展獎勵【專利獎】,112年9月。
  3. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員 (2021)
  4. 中華民國管理科學學會富邦人壽博士論文獎佳作 (2021)
  5. AIB東南亞區域研討會最佳論文獎 (2019):
    Best Paper Award: Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Cebu, Philippines, Dec/05-07.