
教師簡介 著作 計畫 學術榮譽
林水順老師 姓  名: 林水順  老師
職  稱: 副教授
授課領域: 生產與作業管理、創新科技管理
領域: 生產與作業管理、創新研發管理
E - Mail : sslin@ncut.edu.tw
分  機: ext.7785
經歷: 國立勤益科技大學企業管理系主任
  Dr. Shui-Shun Lin, aka. Juisum Gordon Lim, is Associate Professor in Business Administration Department, and the Director of Sustainability and Innovation Management (SIM) Lab, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan.
He obtained Doctor of Philosophy degree in Industrial Engineering, Florida State University, and Master of Science in Industrial Enginnering from University of Wisconsion – Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Dr. Lin served as the Chair of Business Administration Department for seven years, Dean of General Affairs, NCUT, for three years, and the Director of Chang & Wang Educational Foundation for two years.
He is senior industry consultant for consecutively 26 years mastering in manufacturing and management techniques. The fields Dr. Lin worked in include product innovation, production management, electronic commerce, web marketing, information systems and application, human resources and training program planning, performance evaluation, and service quality management.
Dr. Lin is a consultant for entrepreneurs in central Taiwan on product innovation and business model. He also works for government divisions as project evaluation committee member for years.


  1. 國內外期刊論文44篇(國外19篇,國內25篇)
  2. 國際國內學術研討會論文154篇(國際40篇,國內114篇)
  3. 技術報告112本、專書8本、專業雜誌產業觀察專欄主筆
  • Dr. Lin serves as paper reviewer for various international journals since 1996. He published more than 44 referred journal papers, 154 conference papers, 112 technical reports, 8 books and book chapters. He was an author of a magazine column on industry observation.


  1. 產業輔導顧問26年、產學合作專案44案、科技部專題研究計畫30案、經濟部科技研發與輔導專案14案、教育部教學改進計畫9案、教師學術研究計畫11案
  • The projects Dr. Lin conducted are sponsored mainly by industry. There are totally 44 industrial projects accomplished for past 26 years. Other than that, 30 research projects sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology. 14 projects by Ministry of Economic Affairs, 9 projects by Ministry of Education, and 11 projects by the University.


  1. 美國發明專利2件、台灣新型專利10件、台灣發明公告1件、國際發明競賽得獎7件次
  • Dr. Lin is co-inventor of two (2) US patents, ten (10) Taiwan patents, and received seven (7) medals in international innovation exhibits and contests.


  1. 國立勤益科技大學教師推動科技研究發展獎勵【學術論文獎】八次。
  2. 國立勤益科技大學教師推動科技研究發展獎勵【專利獎】二次。
  3. 國立勤益科技大學【輔導服務傑出教師】三次。
  4. 國立勤益科技大學【教學傑出教師】三次。
  5. 國立勤益科技大學【最優導師獎】一次。
  6. 指導碩士班學生於國際/國內研討會發表論文獲優秀論文獎或最佳論文獎20篇
  • His research papers, published in journals or conference proceedings, received 21 certificates of Best Paper Award. Other research accomplishment received eight (8) awards of University Technology R&D, two (2) awards of University Innovation & Patents.
  • Dr. Lin contributed himself in teaching as well. He was the receiver of three (3) Outstanding Teaching Awards, three (3) Excellent Mentor Awards, and the BEST Mentor Award of the Year.