Hou, K. L., Lin, L. C. (2018). Supplier diversification and ordering policy under yield randomness in inventory models. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 39(02), pp. . (EI )
Kuo-Lung Hou, Li-Chiao Lin, and Tien-Yu ((2014). Optimal lot sizing with maintenance actions and imperfect production processes.International Journal of Systems Science, 2014(SCI).
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F., and Lin, L. C. (2012). Optimal pricing and ordering policies for deteriorating items with multivariate demand under trade credit and inflation. OPSEARCH( the official journal of the Operational Research Society of India, Vol. pp . (EI )
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F., and Lin, L. C. (2011). An inventory model for deteriorating items with stock-dependent selling rate and partial
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Hou, K. L., and Lin, L. C. (2011). A lot size model with random yields for investing to setup cost reduction under a limited capital budget, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5(11), pp. 4209-4214.(SSCI)
Hou, K. L., and Lin, L. C. (2011). A supply chain model for deteriorating items with time discounting under trade credit and quantity discounts, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5(25), pp. 10243-10251. (SSCI)
Hou, K. L., and Lin, L. C. (2011). Investing in setup reduction in the EOQ Model with random yields under a Limited Capital Budget, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 32, pp. 75-83. (EI)
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2009), A Cash Flow Oriented EOQ Model with Deteriorating Items Under Permissible Delay in Payments, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9 , No.9, pp. 1791-1794.
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2008), An ordering policy with a cost minimization procedure for deteriorating items under trade credit and time discounting,International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 11 , No.6, pp. 1181-1194. (EI).
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2006), An EOQ model for deteriorating items with price- and stock-dependent selling rates under inflation and time value of money, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 37, No.15, 15 December 2006, pp. 1131-1139. (SCI).
Lin, L. C. and Hou, K. L., (2005), An inventory system with investment to reduce yield variability and set-up cost, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 56, No.2, pp. 67-74. (SSCI, SCI, EI).
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2005), Optimal production run length and capital investment in quality improvement with an imperfect production process, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 35, No.2, pp. 133-137. (SCI).
Lin, L. C. and Hou, K. L. (2005), EMQ model with maintenance actions for deteriorating production system,International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 16 , No.1, pp. 53-65. (EI).
王美智,林麗嬌,侯國隆 (2010),股票市場改採收盤五分鐘集合競價制度前後現貨市場與期貨市場的關聯性分析,台灣企業績效學刊,Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 253-266.
Lin, L. C. and Hou, K. L. (2003), “Optimal ordering policies and capital investment in setup reduction for continuous review inventory system with random yields” Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 65-77.
Lin, L. C., Hou, K. L., Integrated Inventory Models With Imperfect Quality Items Under Carbon Emissions Cap And Lead Time Constraints, 2017 International Academic Conference on Business, 30 July-2 August, 2017, New York, USA.
Hou, K. L., Lin, L. C., Effective Decision Making in Uncertain Business Environments: Strategies, Practices, and Techniques, 47th Annual Meeting of DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE(APDSI 2016), 19-22 November, 2016, Dallas, USA.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., Supply Chain Coordination with Price-and Stock-Dependent Selling Rate and Credit Option, The 20th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI 2015) , 19-24 July, 2015, 香港恆生大學 (The Heng Seng University of Hong Kong), Hong Kong.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., An inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price-and stock- dependent selling rate under partial backlogging and inflation, The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI 2014) 18-22 July, 2014, Yokohama National University, Japan.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., Optimal Lot Sizing and Setup Cost Reduction for Deteriorating Production System. The Fourth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2014) , 1-9 June, 2014, Bali ,Indonesia.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., An Integrated Production-Inventory Model with Imperfect Production Processes for Products Sold with Warranty. International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), 14-18 July, 2012, Republic of Palau.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., An Integrated Production-Inventory Model with quality improvement and Warranty. 2012 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science (SICSS 2012), 12-17 August, 2012,Shanghai,China.
Hou, K. L., Huang, Y. F. and Lin, L. C., Optimal production run length for products sold under free-repair warranty in a Markovian EMQ model with scrap and rework. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2011 (ICOSCM 2011), 17-22 July, 2011, Beijing, China.
Hou, K. L., and Lin, L. C., EMQ Model with Maintenance Actions and Warranty Policy for Imperfect Production System. Proceedings of Joint Conference of 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management and the 15th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (ICOSCM & APDSI 2010), July 25–31, 2010, Hong Kong, Shunde and Guangzhou, China.
Hou, K. L., and Lin, L. C., Yield variability reduction in the EOQ model under a limited capital budget. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE39), July 6-8, 2009, University of Technology of Troyes, France.
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2008) , An EOQ Model with Random Yields for Investing to Yield Variability under a Limited Capital Budget, IAMB2008 International Conference, 30th January – 1th February 2008, San Diego , California, U.S.A.
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2005) , “An inventory model with deteriorating items under inflation and time discounting when the supplier offers trade credit and quantity discounts”,INDIN2005 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics, August 2005, Perth, Australia.
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2004), “Optimal inventory model with stock-dependent selling rate under maximal total present values of profits”, Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization, 17-19 August 2004, Hawaii, USA. (國科會經費補助).
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2004), “Optimal pricing and replenishment policies for deteriorating items with discounting under permissible delay in payments and quantity discounts”, 國立勤益技術學院第二屆管理學術研討會論文集,93年11月26日,國立勤益技術學院,台中。
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2002), “Inventory systems under inflation and time-value of money for stock-dependent selling rate and exponential decay”, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Logistics and the 2nd International Symposium on Operations Strategy, 24-26 July 2002, Melbourne, Australia. (國科會經費補助編號:91-2911-I-123-002-A1)
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2001), “Optimal ordering policies and capital investment in setup reduction for continuous review inventory system with random yields”, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 18-21 July 2001, National University of Singapore, Singapore. (國科會經費補助)
Lin, L. C. and Hou, K. L., (2001), “Optimal production run time with joint capital investment in quality improvement and setup reduction”, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 18-21 July 2001, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Lin, L. C., and Hou, K. L., (2001), “The decisions of optimal production run length and joint capital investments in an imperfect production system”, 2001 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers and Practice Symposium, 8 December 2001, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung.
Hou, K. L. and Lin, L. C., (2000) “The optimal ordering policies for (Q, r) inventory system with random yields when setup cost and yield variability can be reduced through joint capital investments”, The Ninth Defense Management Theory and Practice Symposium, November, 2000, National Defense Management College, Chungho, Taipei.